Sunday, July 15, 2012

El Scorcho 50k 7/15/2012 midnight run

Casey found the midnight event after it sold out.  Unobtainability led to desire led to wait list led to 2 unprepared guys paying late fee to get in the race.  We didn't know how to prepare for
1.  Darkness.
2.  Nutrition for midnight start.
3.  Terrain.
4.  Pace.

This was a "D" race.  The priority was a good experience with no injury.  Trying new things and dropping out were allowed.

I received conflicting training advices for the 10-lap race.  I settled on a reduced version of a plan from Casey.  The key was a long run every other week, which was extended by 2 miles each time.  My longest run was to be 26 miles 3 weeks before the race.  I chopped that session to 20 miles.  It's better to be 10% under- than 1% over-trained.

During the week, the sessions were specific for A2A, Hotter n Hell, and White Rock Half Marathon.  I shortchanged each event.

I went to gym once a week: hamstring, hip abductor, and hip adductor.  3-machine wasn't a completed program but fitted my work schedule.  Research showed balancing these muscle groups minimizes chances of some injuries.

Casey's training went less well.  He changed to 25k race.

_Practice Run (6/15 Friday)
Petzl rep Martha encouraged  us to demo new products.  She offered me the  200-lumen headlamp that lit up raccoon eyes from unreal distance.  Other runners didn't appreciated it when I turn my head to answer the rhetorical questions.  It was hard to stay focused; the brain was deformed under the weight of the batteries. 

The 15k practice was a life saver.  Lighting, terrain, and pace became clear. 

_Race day
I woke up at 7am and felt lost.  All I had to do in next 12 hours were eating, resting, packing, and showing up.  I put Netflix subscription to good use: "Top Gear," "South Park," "Airplane II."  I tested manga apps on Android tablet to view graphic novels from Jiayu.  I shopped for pool sweep on ebay.  The house continues to be a money pit.

I felt overly rested and unequipped to run 50k.  The final training run--1 mile @ 7:00 pace--3 days prior was a distant memory.

Caffeine:  Pre-race I usually took 200 mg pill + coffee, starting at wake up time.  This allegedly improved 2% time trial cycling in double-blind studies.  I doubled the dosage due to carelessness for 50k. 

Liquid:  I expected temperature to start in low 90 F then drop.  I decided not to carry a water bottle.  The organizer promised 2 water stops every 5k loop.  I hated carrying bottles.  We got lucky with air temperature; I never got close to be in trouble.

Calories:  Organizer was firm about its wishy-washy-ness on gel policy: "... limited number of gels.... You never know."  I decided carbo-loading would get me through at slow pace.  I arbitrarily decided 4 hours were sufficient between pho and start.

I started 10 minutes late for the 10-lap run jitterly.  I experienced caffeine overdose on a cool summer night on unfamiliar surface.  The 80-lumen headlamp shined on dust particles before I inhaled them.  Casey and I held 9:30 pace for 3 laps.  The number of participants and food trucks created festive atmosphere.  We slowed at inclines and walked water stations.  I wasn't used to the surface and could sense my changed gait; I worried about plantar.

I had no rhythm on crushed limestone, concrete, grass, and asphalt.  I worried about footing throughout the night.  My heart skipped a bit every time I step on/into a crack/hole.  The right hamstring started cramp before 2nd lap.  I ignored it. 

Somewhere between caffeine and dinner, my gut chose to dump its content.  Casey waited for me.  I was proud of my efficiency going though the short delay.

My time tested race shorts were 2 spandex pairs.  This night I experimented with Zoot compression shorts wrapping high-dollar Under Armour underwear.  The combination could've worked if better lubricated.

Casey exhibited pacing issue at lap 5.  His PR half pace was in the mid 7:00's.  It's unpredictable how running speed are affected by environment.  Casey toughed it out and managed each lap in sub-10:00 pace.

_Second Half
I regrouped during the first solo lap: long pee break, futile shorts rearrangement, and unfruitful Vaseline search.  I swallowed the mid-race nutrition: SportLegs, Endurolyte, and Gu. 

My cardio heart rate hovered around 70% max but both quads cramps.  Maybe I should've practiced on non-paved surface.  I was concerned the legs would lock up while the bonk line felt forever away.

Holding pace became difficult during lap 7.  It was more mental than physical.  I couldn't find anyone to run with.  I got passed by shirtless non-Kenyan guys.  I promised myself food trucks after 3 more laps.  I wanted quit.  Casey cheered me on from a folding chair.

Runners were no longer ubiquitous after 25k runners departed the course.  I was concerned I'd run off the course.  The visual cortex had difficulties processing shadow created by my headlamp.  I kept pushing the nonexistent glasses up my nose.  I turned the lamp off whenever I could.

Life's problems felt distant--house, cancers, work....  Reality was to finish next lap without crashing.  I desired stopping yet wished the night wouldn't end.

I finally found partners during the final lap.  Pacers made a huge difference.  I wondered how many more laps I could've run.

_Post race
The anticipated food trucks left.  The advertised party peaked for the 25k'ers.

Casey took care of transportation between his house and the race.  This simplifies my logistics.
We postponed the celebratory breakfast.  We wanted to finished the chores, clean up, and get some sleep.

I didn't anticipate the joy during the short drive home.  I got away with another new experience.  The feet barely hurt.  I earned the shower and comfort food.  The beautiful sky smiled at me. 

I came home to find newly installed siding on ground.  I longed for simpler life.

Quads and hamstrings were stiff.  The core was inflexible.  I visited chiropractor Monday.  My calves were unexpectedly symmetrical.

I would take next 4 weeks easy: Skate Boston 2012, Veloway climb, and Nicole promised beautiful trail run. 

upcoming events:
8/25 Hotter n Hell.  102-mile bike.  "C" event.
10/7 A2A 38-mile skate.  "B" race.
12/9 White Rock Half Marathon.  "A" race.

GPS/official distance: 31.10/31.07 miles
GPS/official pace: 10:03/10:04
avg/max HR: 143/169

parcipants:50k: 142; 25k: 307

splits/lap pace:
     5K       9:20/M
   10K       9:28/M
   15K       9:37/M
   20K       9:32/M
   25K       9:59/M
   30K      10:50/M
   35K      10:37/M
   40K      10:38/M
   45K      10:33/M
   50K       9:59/M