Monday, November 6, 2017

North Shore Inline Marathon 2017/09/16; Duluth, MN

I decided to train for NSIM in 2001.  I crashed at Allen Water Tower.  My employer demanded I stop skating before the telecom project finished.  4 jobs later, that telco project was still incomplete.

[broken nose]

My obligations changed in 2017.  It was time to experience the biggest inline skate race in North America.

Hang near the front.  Finish safely.  This was a training skate for A2A 3 weeks away.

 [fancy pre-trip dinner]

Duane sadly canceled the trip due to wrist surgery.

[view from hotel room]

_unrealistic expectation
Coming from Texas September weather, high 50’s F felt cold.  20 mph wind Friday made the discomfort hard to ignore.

[some handle cold wind better than others]
I started to fantasizing 22+ mph average speed.  The sun was behind thick cloud.
“So this was how Chad set the record on 80mm wheels.”

_2 Harbor start
I was surrounded by Rainbo and Bont skinsuits.

I was relieved the Boom wheels gripped the wet surface.  No one went out fast; everyone wanted to be near but not at the front.  Repeatedly, pace line split and merged.  I took hints from Rainbo guys as they changed lanes.  A few guys tried to get away; they got reeled in real quick.

I noticed my left leg's inability to push effectively.  I adjust under-push to compensate.

[things felt under control at mile 3;  photo by Maureen Steltz Photography]

_self-inflicted wound
I saw a bug at corner of right eye; I tried wiping it off the lens before realizing I wasn’t wearing glasses.  Larry Griffin passes me in a pack of 4 as I pushed the bug into my eye.
[ photo by Maureen Steltz Photography]

I knew I should’ve followed Larry but was preoccupied with bug moving under eyelid.  The moment passed.  I tried to be content with current position.  The uncoordinated pace group shape-shifted like a sardine ball.  There were 20 to 50 skates in front of me at any given time.
I couldn’t complaint.  I moved at 20 mph not facing the wind.  I focused on staying up right.

A gap formed at mile 6.  I covered it but couldn’t close the next gap after wasting legs for couple minutes.  I hid behind long-legged Gary who caught me, watching the advanced lead pack staying in sight.

[pros looked intense;  photo by Maureen Steltz Photography]

First crash in lead pack happened at mile 7.  The guy looked stunned sitting on the ground.  2 miles later another racer went down the same way.  I was spooked.  I went to the front so I could see the road.

Everyone settled 30 minutes into the race.  I haven’t skated this fast for this long since Texas Flyer days.  I was determined to enjoy the day and stop thinking about the 40 skaters who got away.  “Just stay safe.”

No one wanted to push the pace at half way point.  Speed dropped.  Soon our pack was down to 10 or so.  The only girl actually apologized for skipping pulls.  We let her stay.

_Lemon Drop Hill
The pace was barely a line by the time we came to the big hill.  One guy attacked; I followed; we failed.

_They shut down Highway 35 for the race
The pack wasted energy not staying in line on the empty freeway.  The surface near the tunnels were slippery.  I backed off and lost my position before the exit ramp.

_shutting it down
The ramp out of the freeway was my final chance to improve position.  My legs were surprisingly dead.

[muscles out of shape for this intensity;  photo by Maureen Steltz Photography]

A volunteered shouted “slow down.”  I had little to gain by going against her advice.  I let others go around me at the final 90-degree turn.

I was elated to finish safely and check NSIM off my bucket list.

GPS Garmin Forerunner 630XT
Distance:  26.4 mi
Time: 1:23:18
Speed: 19.0 mph

Distance: 26.2 mi
Time: 1:23:03
Speed: 18.9 mph
Place:  (36/711 finishers) in advanced group
61F; 7 mph NE wind

[Texas participants]


Hang out with Harwell and Oswald over pizza, bar food, beer, and Jenga.

[beers and fried protein were good for recovery]

[sunny the day after race]

[Mall of America before departure]

Monday, September 25, 2017

Richardson Corp Challenge Billiard 8-ball 2017/09/25 Monday 6pm

Partner 8-ball.  My first pool tournament on real table in decades.

I reached the venue after unsuccessful attempt to nap in my office.  It'd be a long night if we were competitive.  I was nervous during the drive to smoke-filled Billiard Den.

_what felt like betrayal
Andrea canceled with little notice.  Meghan Stockinger graciously agreed to join.  Former intern Ashley had minimal experience with pool.  I spent most of my practice time helping her with bridge.  Our women's team lost 2 straight games.

_learning curve
Women's team came close to winning 1 match except for a scratch on 8-ball.

Holly and I lost our first match.  Holly was inconsistent making long shots; I judged table speed poorly.  Things slowly improved through out the night.

_feeling old
10 pm.  I couldn't stop thinking about bed time.  1 opponent asked me if we could use his personal measles cue ball.  My first reaction was "get off my lawn.  I was too wired to nap in car.

_semi (game 5)
Holly lost concentration in semi final.  We won confidently because half of other team was drunk.  I started to feel the ball: banking, curving, and hooking became realistic.  Some spectators had never seen this level of play and showed appreciation.  I wouldn't need to attempt so many tough shots if I had cue ball control.  Shane van Boening I was not.

_rolling through the field
John peaked for the tournament.  Chris was making good shots.  They won the winner's side for the double elimination.  Neither would be here if Robert and Brandon didn't give up their spots despite winning the tryout.

_finals (game 6 & 7)
Everyone was tired by 11pm.  Didn't expect Brandon to stick around to moral support.

Holly regained composure.  I was finally able to string small runs.  I never had the chance to take out the jumpy.  We simply outplayed the other team for 2 straight matches.

Chris missed a simple shot and missed out on the chance to run out for the gold.

We were 1 point away from team gold.  We could've used Andrea.

We left Billiard Den at midnight smelling like ash trays.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Richardson Corp Challenge Run 5k 2017/09/10 Sunday

5k run race wasn't ideal this time of the year 6 days before Duluth Inline Marathon.  I didn't train and hoped for 7:05 pace.  I figured 22-minute finish would give Systemware a chance at podium assuming John Stewart started sensible pace, and the girls would average 9:00 pace. 

Lauren and Andrea both canceled, which made me want to bail too.  My time would be better spent skating Windhaven.

_out numbered
I didn't expect so many people. 
Southwest Airline:177
Texas Instruments: 111
Raytheon: 119
Pioneer Natural Resources: 164
PepsiCo: 103

I walked around all the participates and inserted myself 3rd row from start line.
The weather was great.

The gun went off on time.  I held 7:00 pace and was immediately passed by hundreds--some were in full sprint.  I felt good and nailed most passers back by 2-mile mark. 

I caught a big pack with less than half mile to go.  I went sub 6-minute pace. 

John Steward came in shortly after in Vibrams.
Seeley crossed the line huffin and puffin.
Robert Johnson set a PR.
I put on skates to keep Yi and hubby company.
Systemware ended up 2nd to last place ahead of an incomplete team.


Garmin 630xt
Distance: 3.06 mi
Time: 20:31
pace: 6:42 mph
HR: 169/190 bpm

Distance: 5 km (3.10686 mi)
Time: 20.34
Pace: 56th over all
winning time: 15:25

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Hotter n Hell 100-mile bike ride 8/26/2017; Hurricane Harvey weekend

I skipped 2016 due to funeral in Taiwan.  2017 bike season had been unfocused and plagued by equipment issue.  I was confident PR of 4:36 was out of reach.  The legs struggled to recover from 9-mile time trial.  I wasn’t sure if the wheel alignment and new chain fixed the rear derailleur issue.  I was not anticipating ideal weather.

I was disappointed Murrells couldn’t make it.  Casey was recovering from Leadville 100 trail run.  Voon decided to do another race.  Casey’s coworker Joe took up the spare bedroom at Ann’s.

Good visit with Ann.
Injury-free, bonk-free.
Finish before noon => average 20.3 mph

[Ann’s new dog Wesley]

Rudy Project continued to have attractive helmet and sunglasses at unattractive price.
Most products made me feel I belong to an older generation.  The attendees made me feel young.  A 70-year-old observed that average age seems to rise by 1 year every year.

I bought bunch gels for Brandon and Robert’s first marathon and some gifts for Raluca.  I acquired enough Roctane for A2A and next 2 marathons.

Rain came before spaghetti dinner.  I put on the rain coat and was unconcerned about wet ride.  I scripted a 5:30 mostly solo ride.  This would be a training ride for A2A.

_century ride
Pre-ride went as planned.  I watched the fly by and office start from top of the bridge at 7:05am.  Air was humid but cool.  Mild wind.  Hurricane Harvey was 400 miles away.

The lead pack was led by a unfit-looking road cyclist using aero bar.  I let couple hundreds go before jumping in.

_easy first 50 miles
Garmin 310XT said mostly 23 or 26 mph with low heart rate.  I appeared to be in better shape than anticipated.  No one seemed to work too hard.  We were on track for 4:30 finish.  I wished I was fit to capitalize on the condition.  I disposed a full bottle at rest stop, disgusted I carried the dead weight for half the race.

_Hells Gate
I cut the timing chip to barebone and wondered if the sensor would pick the signal (it didn’t).

[timing chip setup unapproved by the organizer]

The big group split.  I was with 20 other guys and started to play team time trial.  Half the group wanted nothing to do with rotation.  We were quickly down to 9 and was swallowed by a chasing group.

Most boy scouts were surprised to see us.  Some riders didn’t get the anticipated water.  I took a long sip on my 2nd 700ml bottle and gave the remaining to a grateful triathlete.  I carried 100% too much water and felt like an idiot.

It wasn’t hard to stay in the group, but yo-yoing was scary at times.  The pace was erratic.  GPS showed 18 to 24 mph.  The pack lifted its pace suddenly; not everyone was ready.  I jerked my handle bar to avoid rear-ending.  I ended up riding on mud and grass.

_riding into ditch
I never unclipped.  By the time my wheels contacted pavement again, I was 20 seconds behind.  I chased.  Pack’s acceleration felt like deliberate: it spitted out 4 other guys.  I burnt all my matches futilely.

I worked with the only willing rider in sight.  I provided short pulls for which he excessively thanked me.  He pulled into R8 rest stop at mile 77.  I struggled to stay in the group that caught me.  I anticipated the wall to hit.

The wall didn’t come; the struggle prolonged.  The sun came out.  I worried I didn’t have enough water.  Things looked up at the mile-91 turn.  Head wind ended; pavement improved; suffering didn’t ease; we just went faster.  Left calf hinted cramping; I regretted carrying extra water instead of promotional sample Hotshot from the expo.  The twitch didn’t bloom into full cramp.

Top time in 2017’s beautiful weather was 4:04:55.
In 2015, top time was 4:13:18 when I rode 4:36:44

Water: 2x 24 oz + 2x 700ml (1000 ml unused).
Gel: 7
Jelly bean: 1
Endurolyte: 4 pills.

GPS: Garmin 310xt
Distance = 100.2 mi
Speed = 22.0 mph
Time = 4:33:52
HR = 147/171 bpm;
Power = 142/788 w
No stop

Butt was sore from riding at the seat tip.  I was unable to bend over to unbuckle the shoes.
I screwed up the chance to break 4:30 for the event but cherished the experience to struggle for the final 30 miles.  I remembered the 2004 promised: I wouldn’t waste the freedom if spine surgery succeeded.  2017 turned out to be a beautiful ride.

_reference point
2009 with yoga injury:
Time: 4:42:57
Speed: 21.2 mph
Heart rate: 155/180bpm
Stop #1: pee against fence at mile 27
Stop #2: regroup after bonking: mile 91
slow final 12 miles
Ride data:

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Richardson Corp Challenge Bike 15k 2017/08/20

This was 1 of the 22 events Richardson hosted.  The written rules were wordy yet unclear partly because the word “team” was used for 3 contexts:
- The 4 riders whose time actually went into result
- The up to 20 riders who ride with timing chips
- All riders representing the company
There’s no rule against motor.  What would the organizer do if I showed up with Ninja?

Riders were not educated on passing.  We ended up slicing between riders and going outside of cones to avoid contact.

Not embarrass myself and the team.  Crash-free.

1 lane was blocked off but the corners weren’t well thought out given # of inexperienced riders.

I took off on my 12-year-old QR and the only sperm looking helmet in the whole event.  Ashley latched on.  I couldn’t imagines the girls accelerating quickly.  Beaney probably wasn’t ready on his hybrid.  For the first time I realized the ancient helmet had a huge blind spot from aero position.

First right was the only clear turn I didn’t worry about collision.  We made the turn without braking.  I made remaining turns conservatively and probably paid many seconds for safety.

Ashley took over on Waterview Parkway.  He attacked the hill with enthusiasm.  Neither of us knew how to pace a 9-mile TT; we went too hard.

The 2 Indian girls at Central right turn weren’t aware we were catching them at 28 mph.  I braked.  Ashley had to wait on 75 surface road.  The right turn was well-marked at Palisades Creek Dr.  Ashley stopped looking fluid once we started the long climb.  He told me to go, I decided to slow and hope he’d recover.  This was supposed to be a team time trial.  We barely made half way.

My heart rate was recovered by Campbell; legs didn’t bounce back.  Mild head wind.  I had the faster bike.  I accelerate gradually and hoped Ashley would hang on.  He did.  I struggled to reach for 26 mph.  The final right turn came quicker than expected.  I gave Ashley the lead.

Giving the cop and other racers too much room, I turned onto sidewalk at 20.8 mph.  I had to jump off a curb, Peter Sagan-like.  Wish there's a video.  Very happy having no road rash.  Heart rate transmitter broke just before race ended.

Garmin 310xt
Distance: 8.74 mi
Time: 22:42
Speed: 23.1 mph
HR: 165/180 bpm

Distance: 8.95 mi
Time: 22.38
Speed: 23.7 mph
Pace: 1st in division D

Tony Martin: 33.5 mph for 40k at 2017 TT World Championship.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Texadega Nights 30-mile run 2017/05/20

Duathlon at Joe Pool on 2017/05/21 was canceled last minute due to politics.  Raluca and I signed up for the night run as a replacement event.

Averaging 9:00 pace.

4 distances: 6, 9, 21, 30 miles.  Each has relay and individual version.
We ran laps on supposedly 1.4-mile track.  A human timer sat at timing mat calling out the runner’s name and lap count.

I started with Robert and Cody under 9:00 pace.  Cody settled into 8:30 pace.  I let him go.  I took a quick pee break.

Inside edge of the track was neither 1.4-mile nor flat.  The slanted surface made my strides uncomfortable.  Short distance runner departed the event.  The stadium felt lonely 10 mile into my run.

By 16th  of my 21 laps, the race track was sparse.  Trishop packed up the tent before I started lap 20.

Garmin 630
Distance: 28.84 mi
Time: 4:20:18
Pace: 9:02
HR: 144/168 bpm
Pee stop: 1

Official (and fishy)
Distance: 29.5 mi
Time: 4:20:52
Pace: 8:42
Place: 1st male master; 2nd over all

Race director Dan told me at 1:45am the award wouldn’t happen that night but texted his email address and promised to mail trophy.  It’s the 2nd event this year I might not receive my hardware.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Hachie 50k; Waxahachie, TX 2017/05/06

_goal pace
9:30 ~ 10:00 pace first 10 miles. Maff HR.
9:00 ~ 9:30 2nd 10 miles.
9:00 3rd 10 miles.
8:00 final mile.

The timing mat was in the middle of loop for runners of both directions.  50-mile and relay were already on the course.  We had 1 minute to stage the start.  I ended up leading the race for a few minutes in the midst of confusion.  I kept looking back to make sure I’m not the only one going in that direction.

Pro runner Shaheen Sattar caught up to me.

We ran at similar cadence but somehow her strides were flowing.  She said a few nice things then took off.

I waited for the right person to follow.
[Frank McStay with headphone passed me.  His effort didn’t seem sustainable; I let him go.]

 I chatted w/ high-pitch and bearded Cary Collum for few minutes about shoes

3 women caught us.  I decided to run with women.  They seemed to have more fun.

_settling in
I kept Cary in sight every long straight.  Our lead on 4th place man grew at every turn.

There were 3 U-turns per lap.  I had 9 chances to see the distances between competitions around me.  The top 8 50k runners held our positions for 18 miles.  Then top male runner started to look erratic.

Cary didn’t seem so smooth toward end of the lap 2.  I planned to shadow him before blowing by him during final 5k but ended up passing him earlier.

My legs started to tighten up; heart rate rose with temperature.  No surprise.  I was losing ground to the women.  Shaheen was so far ahead, I could no longer quantify her lead.  I couldn’t see the lead man.  I was determined to protect my 2nd place.  I just needed 9:30 pace for final 6 miles.  I would attempt sub 8 final mile.

_hemorrhaging speed
Running felt harder during the modest ascend toward finish line.  Garmin showed 17:xx pace.  This felt like final miles of Boston.  I urged my tire legs.  The next split was 16:26.  Wow.

This was the scenic section of the course with lots of tree.  Everyone around was nice and encouraging.  The legs feel OK for mile-25.  I considered maybe Garmin wasn’t using GPS signal for speed.  But the first 2 laps was mostly in the 9’s.  I accepted the meltdown and focused on final 10k.  “I will hang on to the next passer.”

_surprise finish
The next passer never came.  I noticed the speed I overtook walkers--Garmin had to be wrong; I stopped looking at it.  I wish I had a pacer like Eliud Kipchoge.  I tried to relax and be grateful for the gift.  Mile 26 and 27 felt very long.

I heard the announcer at mile 28.  I never had this much leg left at end of 50k.  I was stoked to finish 2nd place male.  Top 4 women were already posing for photos at the finish line.  Someone told me I won men’s race.  I passed Frank miles ago.

Garmin 630 w/ missing GPS signal
Distance: 28.55 mi
Time: 4:38:20 (including pee stops)
4:37:17 (moving time)
Pace: 9:44 min/Mi
HR: 143/166 bpm
Cadence: 180/240 spm

Distance: 30k; 31.07 mi
Time: 4:38:10
Pace: 8:57 min/Mi

The left knee acted up during the short walk to car but recovered quickly.  I joined Raluca for her final 10k.  Her knee hurt and decided to end her day early.  She finished her first marathon distance race > 6 hours.  We celebrated at Sushi Rock.

Legs became less stiff after skate and bike the next day.  Left hamstring recovered the slowest.

I became more optimistic about qualifying for 2019 Boston.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Texas Big Star Half Marathon 2017/04/15

I won the free entry at Jones’ lecture.  Thank you, Trishop.

Stay with 1:40:00 pacers.

I ran behind Kevin and Rachel between 7:15 and 8:00 pace.  My legs kept up but felt uncomfortable for 4 miles.  The body found the rhythm half way into the race.  Runners around me started to drop.  It’s been 2 years since I ran at this intensity.

I wondered how much I had left at mile 10.  Rachel encouraged me to go.  My sub-7:00 attempt lasted for 1k but managed to stay in front of the 1:40 pacers.

Garmin 630
Distance: 13.14 mi
Time: 1:38:15
Pace: 7:29
HR: 157/185 bpm

Distance: 13.1 mi
Time: 1:37:50
Pace: 40th

The result appeared on the website Monday morning.  I was minutes behind the pacer.  My chip failed to trigger both timing mats at the start.  I messaged the Garmin data to organizer, who adjusted my time to 1:38:00.  This moved my placement from 74th to 40th.  I won an age group trophy.  My time was changed to 1:37:50 days later based on photo evidence.

Trophy arrived in mail 2 months later.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Texas Independence Relay 2017/03/25

The 200-mile 12-person relay involved a lot of sitting in van with some runs in between.  We decided to sign up for the TNSR team instead of running the Oklahoma A2A marathon.  Chances were Arbuckles and Ardmore would still be there in 2018.

Raluca and Captain Cindy handled the logistics.  Laura did most of the driving for van #2.

_behind schedule
The rental didn’t have the vehicle ready at promised time.  Fortunately my seat wasn’t too filthy with beach towel as seat cover.  We still went through everything on schedule, including Kolache Czech Stop in West.  Everyone had faith in our captain and stayed happy and relaxed.

The restaurant wasn’t ready for the rowdy crowd of this annual event—they ran out of margarita glasses.

[Dinner at Mr. Tacos in Gonzales]

Our dinner took over an hour to come out.  We missed the runners’ party, but everything worked out.  The motel was clean.  Continental breakfast had fresh coffee.  We arrived for Saturday 10:10am start.

After sending off leg 1 and leg 2 runners, van #2 decided to visit Shiner.

Each of 1000+ runners all started at Gonzales with his team.  Teams started 5 minutes apart for a short group run before leg one starts.  The van would stop on the side of the road to wait for the runner every mile or so for supply and support before next check point to hand off baton (slap bracelet).

The van transport runners for 5 or 6 legs before rotating vans.

_hilly run
As requested, Captain Cindy gave me the hilly leg.
4:20pm leg  9: 6.4 mi@7:52 159/178 bpm

Some teammates made a big deal of “superhot” 80F air despite Texas routinely experience 100F days.  During the afternoon, the van would stop for the runner frequently for ice sponge and cold water.

Steak wasn’t anyone’s first dinner choice but was what’s available.  I had pork chop and couple shrimps.  Food was unexpectedly good for the price.

_midnight run
Casey gave me an awesome torch that worked great for the run.  I held it between index and middle fingers, running at 8:00 pace.  Some tall guy caught me from behind; it was Jon Cotton from Trishop.  His endurance improved since I ran with him in 2014.  He completed Rocky Racoon 100 few weeks prior.  We chatted a bit before I let him go.  I held mid-aerobic effort and enjoyed the night.

11:51pm leg 19: 6.8 mi@8:06 149/162 bpm

_aim the torch at the eye ball
I gave Raluca the baton then ran with her.  She forgot to take off the jacket.  I volunteered to bring it to the van.  I ran back to the checkpoint and was unable to identify which of the 30 white vans was ours.  I gave up and accelerated to catch Raluca.  I uncapped the coconut juice; now I had 4 things in my hands while running 7:30 pace in darkness.  I raised my head to down the liquid, ending up pointing the mighty flashlight into my left eye ball.

Vision returned after a few seconds.
12:46am leg 20: 5.0 mi@9:52 129/152 bpm

_difficult hours; 4am Sunday
Van 2 shift ended.  We drove to high school for $5 shower.  The 5 girls weren’t impressed with the facility; I didn’t bother getting in the building—baby wipe was my best friend.  It was difficult to sleep in the van waiting at check point 28.  Pork chop dinner wasn’t sitting well.

_getting lost at Captain’s leg
I missed the first turn w/ another TIR runner despite the energy studying the map and turn sheet. I expected the orange cone; the turn was marked by painted yellow arrow.  Fortunately the leg was along Allen Parkway from Houston Inline Marathon.  I ran an alternative route from memory, which was half mile longer.
10:39am leg 32: 5.1 mi@8:12 157/174 bpm

_running through maze
I kept Raluca company for her leg through busy park and kite festival.  The bulk of it involved concrete trail along the river, including an unexpected construction detour.  She complained about “super hot”
12:05pm leg 34: 4.8 mi@10:49 130/143 bpm

_running toward the statue
I made Raluca run hard for her final mile with fatigue legs.  She shaved a minute off her struggling pace.  Very cool.
4:00pm leg 40: 4.1 mi@9:43 136/154 bpm

_leg assignment
Prolouge Everyone!
1 Cindy
2 David
3 Mike B.
4 Jennifer
5 Rob
6 Mike T.
7 Gaana
8 Liliana
9 Johnny
10 Hilary
11 Laura
12 Raluca
13 David
14 Rob
15 Jennifer
16 Mike B.
17 Cindy
18 Hilary
19 Johnny
20 Raluca
21 Gaana
22 Laura
23 Mike T.
24 David
25 Jennifer
26 Mike B.
27 Cindy
28 Rob B.
29 Liliana
30 Gaana
31 Laura
32 Johnny
33 Hilary
34 Raluca
35 Mike T.
36 Cindy
37 Mike B or Jennifer
38 Hilary
39 Liliana
40 Laura/Raluca/Johnny
Epilogue Everyone!

_“Come and Take My Beer” team roster with 10k pace
Cindy Hallo (captain) 8:15
David Recker 8:45
Hillary Owen 12:00
Liliana Torres 8:30
Laura Osentoski 9:30
Mike Beck 8:00
Rob Buwalda 7:00
Mike Thames 11:00
raluca moucha 8:45
Jennifer Ancheta 8:45
Johnny Chen 7:30
Gaana Nagaraj 9:30