Finish safely in shape to start Boston training. Any result faster than Oprah would do.
Anticipating fat-burn pace, I skipped the usual 4-day carbo load.
Company Xmas party was the eve of the race. I sipped water at the open-bar cocktail. Buffet line opened at 9:15pm w/ delicious protein. Four Season grand ballroom shell fish worked poorly as marathon fuel.
I got through the 4-hour marathon with 5 gels, coconut water, and lots of Gatorade on course.
I set GPS to 9:00 pace. I would cross the line around 4 hours 3 lb over race weight.
I started from the back for new experience. I crossed the line 15 minutes after the gun. I zigzagged around walkers. I passed pacing groups.
9:00 was a difficult pace to maintain. I bled speed at every climb as the heavy runners started walking. I settled into rhythm after 5k. Mile 3 to 12 was a big blur.
I snuck up on an event photographer.
I made a point to stay behind 4:15 group before half way point. This was my 1 chance to negative split the course. 9:00 pace required effort at the first climb after half way. Marathoners around me slowed after mile 15. Relay runners were the only ones going faster than 9:00 pace,
I invited walkers to join me. They'd stay a mile or so. Most ran the first half at unsustainable speed. I knew how that felt. I offered to pace. They would go back to walking after couple miles.
Light rain came and go. I was wet but maintained core temperature.
The hardest part about running slower was the run took much longer. By mile 20, I felt I "deserved" to be further ahead.
_the wall
To my dismay, the wall came around mile 23--I overestimated my fitness. I walk the final climb then decide not to push. I turned off electronic pacer. "Just maintain perceived effort." Marathoners passed me left and right. Many encouraged me as they dealt with their own struggle. I suppressed the urge to dig.
Rain came down during the final mile. I accelerated but got soaked.
I got 4 medals for finishing 2 races:
2014 Dallas-Rock n Roll "Duo Medal."
2014 Marathon finishing medal.
2014 Rock n Roll half
2013 Marathon finishing medal; the event was canceled due to weather.
High quality medals compared to the lightweight Montreal 24h gold medal staying above my fireplace.
I sold the 4 running medals on ebay < 1 hour.
I imagined at least one person cherished them.
Taking wet compression socks off at the car was a struggle, but I was 80% recovered after shower. I was almost disappointed having no issue walking at sushi buffet dinner.