Saturday, August 28, 2021

Hotter n Hell 50-mile skate 2021/8/28

50-mile skate was easier than expected: much of the chip n seal surface was improved.

People seemed even more encouraging this year.

Good visit w/ Ann and Wesley.

first 13 and last 16 miles had decent surface. 

The middle 20 miles were half skateable.

The dreaded 5 miles of Hwy 44 is mostly repaved with smooth stuff.  Headwind was brutal, but it felt good exceeding the expectations of cyclists who were unqualified to judge my performance.  I was vain.

A steady cyclist picked me up with 8 miles to go.  We were the fastest thing in sight against south wind to finish--it was glorious.

I skipped first and last of the 5 water stations.  20-oz bike bottle was enough for me. 

It was a great weekend in Wichita Falls. 

_GPS data

Distance: 48.93 mi

Time: 3:12:40

Avg Speed: 15.2 mph

Elev Gain: 768 ft