Friday, July 4, 2014

Liberty 5k, The Colony 7/4/2014

It’s the first week after base phase for 2014.  I signed up for the 5k run with zero tempo or interval training. 

I set Garmin 310xt to 6:22 pace for PR.

The course was fast.  It was weird to run anaerobic after months of long slow sessions in different sports.

The body performed as expected:
Mile 1: kept up with the pace—as opposed to suppressing the urge to follow the leaders.
Mile 2: struggled to maintain pace—losing distance with each incline.
Mile 3: unable to hang on.

The perceived result was far worse than actual.
For the final mile:
MHR = 180
Avg pace = 7:15

MHR = 192
Avg pace = 6:55

Chip time: 20:00:40

Garmin data

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