Saturday, April 7, 2018

Irving Marathon 2018/4/7

37F at start.  Dropped a few degrees in next few hours.

Minimal training due to Taiwan trip and moving.
Set pace accordingly.  ran well for 22 miles then struggle to hold 9:00 pace.

19 mph wind.  1 of the plastic cup I tossed kept pace with me for a mile.

Raluca ran a slow and steady half.

chip time: 3:34:24:24
pace: 8:36

_losing fitness
The downward trend was clear by now.  2017 race successes were based on cardio residuals.

I asked myself how I'd feel if the slide continues.  The legs could absorb training, but where would the time and mental space come from?
"What is more important for next 2 decades?"

I recalled the promise made on 1/13.  I stuck with building relationship.

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