Saturday, August 25, 2018

Hotter n Hell 100-mile bike ride 2018/08/25--unfit

I found ways not to stop for the 100-mile ride in previous couple years.  This time I stopped multiple times--fitting for my unfit year:

Couple riders went down in front of me.  I ended up squeezing the brakes and barely touched the fallen rider.  The rider next to me didn't react in time and ran over the crashed.  I very briefly thought about jumping over--watched too many Sagan videos 😊

I failed to beat the train at the track and waited for the entire train before 100M/100k split.  Half the guys but no girl took leaks.

Some volunteers came to the road to refill bottles.  I stopped for water for the first time in years.

_slow finish
South wind was brutal starting mile 77.

My legs were more fatigued than I felt at mile 91.  I stopped to resupply because the pack chose to.  I cramped after pickle juice.  Last 10 miles took almost an hour.

It was good to see Ann and her puppy.  I wandered how many more times I'd do this.

Garmin GPS xt310
distance: 100.82 mi
moving time: 5:19:32
speed: 18.9 mph
average power: 126 w

official chip time
speed: 18.5 mph
placement: 341/3100

I used 6.5 bottles + 7 gels.  Could've used more electrolytes.

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