Sunday, October 24, 2021

A2A—49-mile race 2021/10/24


As of August 2021: 

(A) Skate 37 miles with Jessica.  Try to be the first of the pack to reach Dacula.

(B) Start with 49-mile racers.  

(C) Skate final miles with Luke and Nicolas.

The 38-mile race was canceled; Athens city disallowed the race.  The big dogs wouldn’t show  due to pandemic.  I was unlikely to keep up with Sonic and Kent, I aimed to skate with Jessica through Check Point 5.  I reduced training accordingly.  I needed to stay within the boundaries for Houston Marathon training. 

Race director Anna Zuver was 5 when I skated my first A2A in 1999.

_main event

The skate was great.  Weather was nice.  Pavement improved.  Minimal Wind.  

I achieved my goal of skating w/ Jessica Wright before the course turns relatively flat.

No racers from Thailand, South America, and Canada.  No Francisco.  Kent and Sonic tied for 2nd place.

Nicolas achieved his time goal.  He made a wrong turn and complained Silver Hill to be insufficiently scary.


GPS: 48.7 mi@15.7 mph

2694 ft ascent


Bantam Pub had the comically clueless waiter on his 2nd day.  I had the slowest restaurant service in memory.  Oswald’s can of cider took only an hour.

Air traveling was unpleasant, but all worked out in the end.

It was nice to see old friends.  

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