Thursday, May 9, 2013

Katy 5k 5/10/2013

I came close to cancel the event as weather looked ugly; outdoor eating wouldn’t be fun given rain and mud.  Then I remembered promising mom the event T-shirt.

Earlier in the year, I aimed for sub-20-minute.
The legs weren’t recovered from Irving Marathon.  I changed the event goal to PR: 20:27 @ 6:33 pace.

Rain stopped in time for the event.

The staging went great ‘til the announcer moved the 2 soldiers to the front; they carried full gear and the American flag.  I imagined David Goggins and Dean Karnazes would run at 6:30 pace carrying 40-lb backpack.

I lost 40 feet at the narrow start as expected.  I didn’t expected a water station volunteer to knock the cup out of my hand then hit my chest after handed me the water.  I had to laugh.  It was probably the first cup he ever handed out.

I struggled at last quarter mile and failed to go sub 6:00 pace during final sprint.

morning weight: 139.4 lb.
time: 20:31 @ 6:34 pace.
Place: 158 / 3563
shoes: Green Silence

It’s difficult to predict what runners desire after 5k.  Popcorn did well.  The longest line was in front of patties and hotdogs on a grill.

I was surprised to see beef tartare on bread slice.  I ate my registration fee between raw cow and Times Ten Cellars.

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