Sunday, March 1, 2015

Cowtown 50k became half 2015 3/1/2015

I fit Cowtown 50k into my Boston Marathon training program, which was going well except an ankle tenderness from stepping into a hole during an easy run. 

I tapered for the 50k.  Using the extra time that week, I replaced my 2006 Acura with 2014 Porsche and 2012 Civic.

_canceled races
The weather turned wintery on Friday before Sunday 50k.  All races except half marathon were canceled.  Long distance runners were invited to run half.

[Fort Worth photo]
The shortened distance was what Casey hoped for after the Asia trip.  I met Casey for lunch Saturday; he got my race packet.  I slipped on a film of ice outside Zoe’s Kitchen restaurant. 

I made the race a long tempo session.  I set GPS to 7:20/mile.  I’d hold that pace ‘til the base of Main Street climb at mile 9, then play by the ears.  I gave myself permission to take SAG wagon or become a water station volunteer after mile 9.

I realized my wallet was missing during the hour drive to race.  Apparently it fell out of the sweatshirt front pocket after Saturday lunch.  Driver’s license replacement and identify theft became a dark cloud hanging over my head for next 10 hours.

_half marathon
I saw couple hundred runners in front of me.  Everyone was nervous on wet pavement and slush.  The pack slowed to take the first corners.  No one hopped on the sidewalk.  The first miles were draining.  The runners spaced out after 5k.  I left room in front of me so I could see what I stepped on.  My weak ankle was unhappy but in a non-painful way.

5k time check ranking: 300

I identified a group of runners with reasonable footing preference.  I stuck with them for next few miles.  Running through stockyard was always fun.  The wet brick surface provided excellent grip.

10k ranking: 292

Main Street had little ice.  I practiced taking water.  The climb loomed.  A few runners surged to bank time.  Couple college kids faded.

I felt confident at mile 9.  I threw away the T shirt and exposed my shoulders to cold air.  I took the hill conservatively.  I lost 400 feet on the climb to electronic pacer.  A dozen runners passed me; some breathed heavily.
“Hold back.  This is just a training session—don’t dig.”

15k ranking: 296

I opened up after the climb and steadily took back lost ground.  Icy patches were well-sanded.  Thank you, race organizer.

20k ranking: 267

I was hoping to have someone to race against for the finally stretch.  None came.

21k ranking: 265

Chip time: 1:36:24
Official Pace: 7:21 / min
GPS Pace: 7:19 / min

Total Finishers: 6571
Men: 3143 (02:09:45.40 avg)
Women: 3428 (02:28:59.94 avg)

_post race
I made it home with barely sufficient petro.

[2 miles left]

After failed attempt to recover the wallet at Zoe’s Kitchen, I tried to accept the overhead associated with lost wallet.  I focused on the long and late lunch of firepot with lots of vegi. 

I had a full afternoon planned: cleaning swimming pool, reading Cayman manual, laundry, fixing shower leak.

Stopping the leak went unexpected well.  Then I found the lost wallet in an unexpected corner in my garage.  Never been so happy to see my driver’s license since I was 17!

Dinner at Densetsu.  The sushi and company were great.

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